Young Doctors Camp 2012
I am 14yr, just passed out
of 9th and have secured good marks throughout my academics. Becoming
a “Doctor” is a well defined, distinct career choice for me or just an option.
I am still not in that frame of mind to decide about my career. It has always
been my parents – who have been deciding everything for me. My parents decided
to send me for this camp. – Is these the only reason that drove parents and
kids to be a part of this YOUNG DOCTORS CAMP 2012 or is it more beyond that…..
At this nascent stage of
age when a ninth standard pass out student is given a chance, an experience to
restore for a lifetime, which can actually helps him/her to determine and make his/her
goal distinct. A chance which will not only allow him/her to live his/her dream
for 4 days but also to reassure in their mind that this Dr. title is the only
thing they aspire to and want to achieve in their life.
Hands-on experience to help you make an informed career decision – made
Spandana Timiraju to come all the way from Banglore to attend this camp, Arbaaz
from Karimnagar were coming everyday from his home town to be a part of this
All the 91 participants of this camp made an effort to not to miss a
single day and attend all the 4 days sessions where they were exposed to operation
theatre, Out-Patient Department, Diagnostic
centre, In-patient wards, department like: biomedical, physiotherapy,
dietetics, maintenance, the classroom session on CPR techniques, Learning and lectures
from prominent doctors, Lunch with Key Doctors, Facility Tour of Cancer
institute, Cath lab, Emergency, Critical care units etc.
An induction session on
first day – wearing apron as a doctor to getting certificate for completion of
this 4 day camp was among rarest experience that these participants could have
availed it. All the hard work, sleepless night to achieve this distinguish
profession – “Doctor” though begin from this and its definitely a long journey
but this YOUNG DOCTORS CAMP 2012 will always be a special experience to be
Having these participants
in the all the three units of Yashoda Hospitals was a rejuvenating experience
for all the healthcare professionals associated with this Young Doctors Camp
2012. Their morale of doing good work and getting appreciated for what they do
raises because of the presence of these participants.
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